Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Domestic violence vs law enforcement Research Paper

Aggressive behavior at home versus law requirement - Research Paper Example â€Å"Domestic brutality incorporates misuse caused on life partners; kids; more established or in any case defenseless grown-ups, including guardians; and some other people correspondingly arranged to a companion, kid, or parent. The harsh direct might be physical, sexual, passionate, or financial† (Kruger and Valltos). Truly, aggressive behavior at home has been dealt with distinctively by various individuals as a result of various strict convictions and societies. For instance, in Islamic convictions, the ladies are not getting enough opportunity and the guys frequently tormented their spouses. It was/is hard for a Muslim lady living in a central society to enroll a protest against her significant other regarding aggressive behavior at home. Male control was so noticeable before and in Muslim societies, yet even in different societies likewise, ladies feared enrolling grumblings about their spouses. Nonetheless, such convictions are gradually decreasing and due to the endea vors of women's activists and right now ladies see no risks in enrolling grumblings about the injurious practices of their accomplices. â€Å"In the most recent twenty years open strain to perceive aggressive behavior at home as a wrongdoing, as opposed to a family issue kept on becoming because of instructive endeavors by casualties and advocates†(Hunt, p.ii). ... He will attempt to fuse such encounters with each abusive behavior at home occurrence he may examine. In this way he will frequently neglect to discover the idea of the wrongdoing or the genuine guilty party answerable for the wrongdoing. The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment gives that no state will deny to any individual inside its ward the equivalent security of the laws. If a lady can demonstrate that a police office has a sex based strategy of declining to capture men who misuse their spouses, she can guarantee that the approach depends on sexual orientation generalizations and in this way abuses the equivalent assurance laws (Domestic Violenceâ€The Laws and the Courts - Landmark Legal Decisions) Different states have various laws as for abusive behavior at home. A few states treat even basic local issues as genuine cases though some different states may disregard basic occurrences as for abusive behavior at home. Be that as it may, in the greater part of th e cases, captures are basic for genuine abusive behavior at home cases. Probation, treatment programs, fines, paying compensation to the person in question, prison sentence and so on are a portion of the regular methods for rebuffing the guilty parties in aggressive behavior at home cases. Liquor enslavement or illicit drug use can cause aggressive behavior at home. In such cases, disciplines will never be a choice; the law implementing offices settle on treatment programs in such cases. Guiding is another significant alternative accessible in tackling abusive behavior at home cases. In the majority of the cases, the relatives draw in is rough exercises in view of the transient loss of control or irritability. In such cases, it is indiscreet to rebuff the criminal since the discipline will produce retribution in the brain of the lawbreaker and he/she will never

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics

Presentation Economics is a procedure of settling on choice utilizing logical devices of research and examination. This paper is an introduction of qualification among microeconomic and macroeconomics. These terms are basic in financial aspects since they offer knowledge into monetary order. Instances of each Distinctive contrast among microeconomics and macroeconomics will be talked about top to bottom. Publicizing We will compose a custom paper test on Difference among microeconomics and macroeconomics explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It will be reasonable for delineate microeconomic choices and variables that added to such a choice. Besides, macroeconomic occasion with its effect will be determined in the consultation. Contrast among microeconomics and macroeconomics Microeconomics can be characterized as financial aspects that looks at how people allot the base asset among the families and firms (Bade, 2001). The choices made in the market with respect to th e acquisition of explicit merchandise and ventures influences legitimately or in a roundabout way gracefully and request chain. Such choices additionally have an impact on the costs of items and eventually the interest and gracefully. We can note in this way that microeconomics manages the parts of costs and its effectiveness in a market domain where choices are made. Microeconomics rotates round creation, utilization, and offer of merchandise and enterprises (Colander, 2008). Some financial strategies like difference in charges influence microeconomics of a nation. On the off chance that more expense is charged on advertise merchandise, at that point request diminishes. It is likewise in microeconomics that a market disappointment like imposing business model is guessed. Macroeconomics underlines on the master plan of the economy in this way absolving on how things on the planet as far as the structure, execution, conduct and dynamic procedure of the entire economy. Macroeconomics inspects totals in the framework, for example, total national output, joblessness rates and value levels in order to pick up understanding into the working of an economy. Market analyst who have considered macroeconomics have created models to clarify the working connection between national pay, yield, utilization, reserve funds, ventures, parity of installment and worldwide money (Blanchard, 2000). While perceiving that microeconomics is a wide region of study, a portion of its uncommon trademark can be featured as: exertion to comprehend the circumstances and end results of short run changes in national pay and a push to incorporate determinants of financial development over the long haul timeframe. Publicizing Looking for exposition on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More National governments utilize macroeconomic models to create monetary arrangement and techniques for the business (Blanchard, 200 0). In attempting to keep away from melancholy in an economy, strategies are detailed to help with settling the legislature. Financial arrangements and money related are instrument regularly utilized as a procedure to keeping up solidness and proceed with monetary turn of events and development. Case of each perceptible truth A case of microeconomic measurement is the estimating technique which influences request and eventually gracefully of an item to the market (Colander, 2008). On the off chance that the cost of an item is expanded through charges, amount requested would diminish while amount provided would increment. The explanation behind this perception is that provisions are spurred by significant expenses to create more while buyers timid away fro purchasing costly items. This will twist the purpose of harmony in the market. It is the job of microeconomics to contemplate the various parts of the market and build up the important costs. Then again, macroeconomics determines f eature of national pay, yield, utilization, reserve funds, ventures, equalization of installment and worldwide money. Microeconomic choice and variables that added to such choice A genuine microeconomic choice is a decrease in the acquisition of fuel following an ascent in the cost of raw petroleum on the planet advertise. The soaring cost diminished the intensity of the purchaser. A choice to decrease on acquisition of fuel was likewise required by expansion rates influencing buyer merchandise. There is motivation to meet fundamental needs along the Maslow progression of requirements. This factor added to a choice to eliminate interest for fuel. Representation of explicit macroeconomic occasion and its effect Fiscal strategy includes expanding government consumption and assortments of income in order to kick off an economy (Snowdon Vane, 2005). Expansionary monetary approach has been utilized by President Obama to manage money related emergency. The administration needs to spend mo re on wellbeing, business creation, charge motivation, and arrangement of security. The net impact is a shortage financing. On the off chance that an adjustment in assessment and government use is done, its impact will be on such factors as total interest, example of asset portion and circulation of wages (Snowdon Vane, 2005). An increasingly dynamic expense connects the prattle between those who are well off and have not in this way important in adjusting salary dissemination in an economy. Decision There exist a particular distinction among microeconomics and macroeconomics both in its definition and working. Microeconomics looks at rare asset between contending needs in a family or a firm. A microeconomic choice with respect to acquisition of products influences straightforwardly and by implication the interest and gracefully. Promoting We will compose a custom article test on Difference among microeconomics and macroeconomics explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn Mor e Such choices additionally have an effect on the costs of items then again, macroeconomics manages the economy all in all while featuring on strategy instruments, national pay, yield, utilization, reserve funds, speculations, equalization of installment and worldwide account. These are the highlights of an outward looking economy. The conversation likewise centered around outline of both macroeconomics and microeconomic choices. References Bade, R., Parkin, M. (2001). Establishments of Microeconomics. London: Addison Wesley. Blanchard, O. (2000). Macroeconomics. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Colander, D. (2008). Microeconomics. California: McGraw-Hill. Snowdon, B., Vane, H. (2005). Present day Macroeconomics: Its Origins, Development And Current State. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. This article on Difference among microeconomics and macroeconomics was composed and put together by client Santiago Rasmussen to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it likewise. You can give your paper here.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Warning Contains Biology

Warning Contains Biology As you hopefully already know, I am a sophomore in Course 20 here at MIT. Because we say everything here in numbers, Course 20 actually means that I am a biological engineering major. Moreover, even though Ive planned on being Course 20* since before coming to MIT**, MIT students tend to all take the same core curriculum as freshmen. This not only provides all students with a common core of foundational scientific knowledge, it also prevents students from being pressured into declaring a major too early too. But now that Im a sophomore, I get to start taking exciting Course 20 classes! well, sort of. I say sort of because although three of my five classes this term are recommended and required for a Course 20 degree, only one of them is, strictly speaking, Course 20. But thats actually part of the point of biological engineering: it is a highly interdisciplinary field, especially here at MIT; and it is continuing to evolve from the various fields that originally gave birth to it. Bioengineering is still incredibly ground-breaking, with new research pushing the limits of our knowledge every day and thats why Im so excited to be part of bioengineering here at MIT, where so many fantastic discoveries have already been made. * This is actually over-simplifying things slightly. Originally I wanted to study biomedical engineering, which tends to incorporate a lot of things from Course 2 (mechanical engineering) as well as Course 20. So for a while I contemplated declaring Course 2 or Course 2A (mechanical engineering with a particular focus; I would have chosen biomedicine, like Melis) instead of Course 20. Yet ultimately I decided that Course 20, which is just straight up pure biological engineering, was the right choice for me personally. ** For the prospective students applying, do not worry about what you list as your intended major on your application form. Because of MITs centralized, single-door admissions policies, all applicants are reviewed by the Admissions Office equally no matter what you put down. That questions only purpose is to help the Admissions Office get a sense of what your passions are and how you have explored them before applying (for example, competing in science fairs, attending engineering summer camps, participating in FIRST, or doing research). Its also perfectly fine to put down Undecided if thats what you honestly are. I know several friends who put that down on their application and got in. Dont let anyone tell you that being unsure about your future stop you from being admitted to MIT who really expects 17-year-olds to be 100% sure about what they want to do for the rest of their lives, anyway? As I was saying, though, Im taking three Course 20 classes this term: 20.110 Thermodynamics of Biomolecular Systems 5.12 Organic Chemistry I 7.03 Genetics 20.110 and 7.03 both have homework assignments problem sets due tomorrow. Ive been making good progress on them so far. But because I realized I havent talked about my academics all that much this term, I thought I would give you a brief insight into some of the questions that have been on my mind lately. First, from the 7.03 problem set, Question 1: Growth on glycerol in yeast requires a functional electron transport system. Some of the enzymes in this electron transport system are encoded in chromosomes residing in the nucleus and some in the mitochondrial DNA. This situation means that a strain unable to grow on glycerol could have a mutation in the nuclear DNA, the mitochondrial DNA, or both. For the nuclear notation, a wild type strain is GLY1+ and a strain that has a mutation in a nuclear gene preventing growth on glycerol is gly1-. For the mitochondrial genome notation a strain can be ?+ or ?- where the strain that is ?+ can grow on glycerol and the strain that is ?- can not. Thus, a wild type strain is GLY1+ ?+ and a glycerol non-grower could be gly1- ?+, GLY1+ ?-, or gly1- ?-. You have known haploid stocks of strains with these four genotypes to characterize any new strain. When you cross a ?- strain with a ?+ strain the resulting diploid is ?+. a) You isolate a haploid strain that can not grow on glycerol and want to know what its genotype is with respect to the nuclear GLY1 and mitochondrial ? DNA. What strains would you cross it by to distinguish whether its genotype is gly1- ?+, GLY1+ ?-, or gly1- ?- ? b) In a cross of gly1- ?+ x Gly+ ?- what would be the glycerol genotype and phenotype of the four meiotic products? And from the 20.110 pset, Question 3: When raindrops fall, they are distorted slightly from a spherical shape due to drag forces on the sphere. Consider a droplet that is initially 1 mm in diameter. Its surface area is increased by a factor of 1.75 while falling. What is its change in free energy during the process (do not include the change in potential energy)? If this free energy were converted into heat, would the temperature of the drop change appreciably? The surface tension of water is ? = 72 dyne/cm and the heat capacity of water is 4.1 J/gm/K. As you can see, problem sets are a lot different from high school homework. There are (usually) fewer problems, but theyre each individually more difficult and more likely to make you want to tear your hair out. Moreover, they generally cant be answered just by using some formula you copy out of your chem textbook you actually have to think outside the box and applying what you learned in lecture and from the text. But thats what MITs all about. We wouldnt be here if it werent challenging.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

University Of Phoenix MaterialUnderstanding Business Research

University of Phoenix Material Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Grunig, Quiz 1 Match the letter of the answers on the right to the questions on the left. Each answer can be used more than once. Questions Answers A Self-Administered Survey B Telephone Interview C Independent variable D Moderating variable E Intervening variable F Dependent variable G Exploratory study H Content validity I Criterion-related validity J Critical Path Method K Ex Post Facto Evaluation L Cross-sectional study M Internal Consistency N Equivalence O Stability P Longitudinal Study Q Construct validity 1 What type of validity is being assessed in the following example?†¦show more content†¦A scale conversion is calculated and the measurements from each thermometer are examined to see how closely correlated they are. _M___ Multiple Choice Select the best answer and enter it in the blank. EXAMPLE __C_ What color is the sky? A) brown B) pink C) blue D) green 4 _D___ A researcher has designed a study to test the effects of different types of individual psycho-therapy on peoples levels of anxiety. She has randomly placed people into one of three groups: a behavioral treatment group, a psycho-dynamic treatment group, or a no-treatment control group. She then measures peoples level of anxiety after the treatment. Which of the following is a true statement? A) The treatment group is the dependent variable; anxiety is the independent variable. B) Anxiety is the dependent variable; behavioral treatment is the independent variable. C) Behavioral treatment is the dependent variable; anxiety is the independent variable. D) Anxiety is the dependent variable; the treatment group is the independent variable. 5 _B___ Two studies are conducted to compare the experiences of seniors living in high-rise public housing to those of seniors living in townhouses with subsidized rent. The first study interviews 40

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Ethical Dilemmas Faced By Nurses - 1924 Words

Ethical dilemmas encountered by nurses can be viewed from the perspective of three major ethical principles: beneficence, autonomy and justice. Each of these principles set some guidelines for the nurses to abide by when confronted by an ethical decision-making; however, these can be manipulated based on the dilemma. There are two dilemmas demonstrated in which a nurse’s autonomy conflicts with doctor’s orders and the patient’s request for euthanasia depicted from the perspective of all three principles. Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Many people encounter ethical issues and ethical decision-making every day of their lives. Each person’s moral values differ depending on one’s religion, culture, family, etc. These moral or ethical values are of utmost importance for the healthcare professionals, especially nurses. Many professional in the healthcare system are confronted by dilemmas which challenges their morality and give rise to many questions. How does the ethical values of a healthcare professional influence the patient? What role do nurses have in ethical issues? Are nurses impacted by their patient’s ethics? These are some of the questions one would frequently ask when taking the ethical issues of nursing into consideration. Many nurses choose this field to provide care for their patient’s; however, they are often encountered with ethical dilemmas that require understanding of the ethical principles and implementing on rules of the healthcare system they areShow MoreRelated Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals2759 Words   |  12 Pagesadministration within. A code of ethics highlights the responsibility and accountability standards of each and every employee within the organization. These codes are also motivating factors that guide the employees’ behavior, set the standard regarding ethical conduct, and build an organizations trustworthiness within their surroundings. (McShane, Gilnow, 2012). The role of ethics in organizational behavior can negatively or positively impact an entire healthcare entity. If employees are educated on theRead MoreEthical Dilemma Faced By A Registered Nurse On The Medical / Surgical Unit At Baptist Nassau1253 Words   |  6 PagesEthical Dilemma Paper This paper will describe an ethical dilemma faced by a registered nurse on the medical/surgical unit at Baptist Nassau. This dilemma will be analyzed using Catalano’s ethical decision-making model (2009) for nurses. Throughout this paper the pros and cons of this dilemma will be discussed, as well as answer the question â€Å"Is it morally and ethically just†? The ethical dilemma encountered by the nurse involved a 69 year-old female patient. This patient had cancer that hadRead MoreEthical Dilemmas And Moral Courage1473 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract In today’s healthcare environment nurses are faced with increasingly intricate ethical dilemmas. We encounter these dilemmas in situations where our ability to do the right thing is continuously delayed by conflicting values and beliefs of other healthcare providers. There are many nurses who face these ethical issues head on and others who put it aside. Keeping our commitment to patients requires moral courage. Moral courage aids us in addressing ethical issues and making the correct decisionRead MoreEthical Dilemmas Of An Ethical Dilemma1029 Words   |  5 Pagesmake and often create ethical dilemmas. Situations will arise, and nurses have a duty to protect the patients and themselves. This paper will outline a significant event in my practice that caused an ethical dilemma. Clinical Situation Ethical dilemmas are defined as: situations in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion (Your Dictionary). I had not been practicing as a nurse for long when I had toRead MoreEthical Dilemmas Of An Ethical Dilemma1026 Words   |  5 Pagescreate ethical dilemmas. Situations will arise and nurses have a duty to protect the patients and themselves. This paper will outline a significant event in my practice that caused an ethical dilemma. Clinical Situation Ethical dilemmas are defined situations in which, there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion (Your Dictionary). I had not been practicing as a nurse for long when I had to face an ethical dilemmaRead MorePersonal Ethics856 Words   |  4 PagesEthics Melissa Sawyer Grand Canyon University May 5th, 2013 NRS 437 Ethical Decision Making in Nursing Personal Ethics The American Nurses Association defines nursing as, â€Å"protection, promotion, and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations† (American Nurses Association, 2004, p.7). My personal nursing philosophy stems fromRead MorePersonal Ethics889 Words   |  4 Pagesprofessional moral compass helps guide the person through their profession making the best ethical decision. A nurse uses their professional moral compass to make the best decisions for their patient. Spirituality and culture contribute to how a person views the world. Spirituality and culture helps a person develop how they live their life and how they view life, health and death (Burkhardt, 2001). Nurses or healers have held a special place in many cultures. Nursing practice has grown and maturedRead MorePatient Confidentiality Essay926 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Patient Confidentiality: Ethical Implications to Nursing Practice Patient Confidentiality: Ethical Implications to Nursing Practice Patient confidentiality is a fundamental practice in healthcare and it is integral part of healthcare ethical standards (Purtilo Dougherty, 2010). According to the American Nurses Association (ANA) code of ethics â€Å"the nurse has a duty to maintain confidentiality of all patient information† (Nursing world, p.6). Also, when a patient confidentialityRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics And Values1086 Words   |  5 Pagesa positive attitude. When making decisions, core values allow me to help structure my ethical standards from which I base decisions off of. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Holy Bible the Ultimate Ufo Encounter Free Essays

It tells the story of the birth and death of a savior (God’s son, Jesus Christ) and the many miracles he performed wrought his life. However, to some people it is so much more. Some people claim that the Bible disguises a history of something that many people fall to recognize. We will write a custom essay sample on The Holy Bible: the Ultimate Ufo Encounter? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Vehicles in the sky, angels, and even strange abductions are all detailed within the pages of the Holy Bible, and they reveal a fascinating possibility; the possibility that it is not only the sacred text of Christianity, but also documented evidence of the world’s very first unidentified flying object (OF) and alien encounters. One of the most interesting aspects of the Bible is the dozens of passages that meme to Indicate some sort of â€Å"vehicle† In the sky, or what might now be referred to as a OF. One of the most notable stories in the Bible is that of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Exodus 13:21-13:22 describes a mysterious â€Å"pillar of cloud† that guides the Israelites on their Journey, stating â€Å"By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and Wagner 2 by night In a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people. (The Holy Bible New International Version) Imagine being from biblical times and trying to describe a OF without having the modern words to do so. One might describe a large object hovering overhead as being kind of like a cloud. However, clouds do not lead people to safety, and they do not emit a fire-like glow by night, so it is clear that these verses are not referring to a literal cloud. By realizing that this object hovering above the Israelites and leading them to safety could not have been a literal cloud, it must be considered that there was some kind of advanced technology assisting them on their Journey. In biblical runes, this type of advanced technology was certainly not of earthly origin, and that can lead to only one conclusion; If there was, In fact, some kind of object hovering above the Israelites, lighting their way, and leading them to safety, the technology had to have come from a planet other than Earth. In the book of Ezekiel, there Is again a reference too â€Å"cloud. † Ezekiel describes his encounter in verse 1:4 by saying â€Å"l looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north-?an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by a brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal†¦ He continues in verse 1 6 describing â€Å"This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like chrysalises, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel. (The Holy Bible New International Version) In these passages Ezekiel has seen a huge metallic looking cloud surrounded by bright flashing lights which appears to be a â€Å"wheel intersecting a wheel†. Toys Wagner 3 In comparing what Ezekiel witnessed with a modern day OF sighting, the similarities are astounding. The normal description off OF is pretty standard. Eyewitness counts usually focus on the high rate of speed at which the object t ravels; the bright, flashing lights; the shiny, silvery, or metallic color; its large size; and the shape as being disc shaped with a round center. By comparing eyewitness descriptions such as this with the description that Ezekiel gave, it is clear that the two descriptions are uncannily similar. Buffo’s travel at a high rate of speed; the â€Å"cloud† that Ezekiel saw came out of the north like a â€Å"windstorm. † Buffo’s have bright, flashing lights; Ezekiel â€Å"cloud† had â€Å"flashing lightning† and was â€Å"surrounded by a brilliant light. † A OF is metallic in appearance, Just like the â€Å"glowing metal† of Ezekiel â€Å"cloud. † A OF is disc-shaped with a round center, or one might describe it as â€Å"a wheel intersecting a wheel. † In this passage, Ezekiel has seen something that he has no word for. The object that he saw was something that he could not identify, so he has to describe it to the best of his ability instead. The object that he saw was also clearly flying out of the north like a â€Å"windstorm†. Therefore, by definition, Ezekiel has seen a OF. One of the most well known stories in The Bible is the birth of Jesus Christ and the here wise men who followed a star to Bethlehem to see the newborn King. Matthew 2:9 says that â€Å"After they had heard the King, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star they were overjoyed. (The Holy Bible New International Version) Stars do not move and stop, Just as clouds do not lead people to safety. Looking up at the night sky if is often very easy to mistake an airplane for a star. However, they obviously did not have airplanes in biblical times, Wagner 4 o whatever was leading the wise men to baby Jesus had t o have been something that was not of this world. The Holy Bible also includes passages that tell of God’s angels visiting earth to bring messages to our biblical ancestors. To many these accounts of angels descending from the heavens act as further proof of alien existence. â€Å"By definition angels are otherworldly. Angels are extraterrestrials. They’re not from this planet. So really, by definition, E. It’s and angels are the same. Now our modern conceptions of E. It’s have changed, but go back thousands of years when angels lived among our biblical ancestors. They didn’t call them E. It’s. They called them angels, but they knew they were not of this world†¦ Not of this planet. † (Barnes) Bill Bribes, author and publisher of OF magazine said in an interview on the History Channel’s series Ancient Aliens. When asked to describe an angel most people would describe a being that looks very much like a human with wings on its back. However, the actual biblical text rarely describes angels as having bird-like appendages, which causes many people to wonder where this depiction of angels as having wings originated. Jason Martial, author of Knowledge Apocalypse, revises an interesting theory. â€Å"If they saw someone, a human being or humanoid, flying in the skies they could only give it a natural review†¦ Giving it wings. I don’t think they actually had wings. It was ancient man’s way of saying they had the power of flight† (Martial) he states in an interview for an episode of Ancient Aliens. Erich Von Daniel, author of Chariots of the Gods? Adds â€Å"Use the word extraterrestrials Instead AT ten word AT angel . Use ten word AT a leader AT extraterrestrials Instead AT archangel. If you change a few words in the old text, a few key words, you change the ensue of the old text. † (Daniel) People in biblical times did not speak the way we do in this modern day and age, not to mention the fact that details Wagner 5 sometimes get lost in translation. By understanding this it becomes quite clear that the words angels and aliens could quite possibly be referring to the same thing. The Bible also includes accounts of â€Å"fallen angels†. Genesis 6:1-6:3 states â€Å"When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. (The Holy Bible New International Version) The book of Enoch, found among the Dead Sea scrolls in the late sass’s, gives a similar account. Enoch 6:1-6:3 states â€Å"And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of heaven, saw them and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us chose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children. † The book of Enoch also refers to these angels as â€Å"watchers† or â€Å"guardians of the sky’ (Ancientness. Org). The children born from these unions of the sons of God and the daughters of man produced the Oenophile, which the book of Enoch and the Bible both refer to as a race of giants. However, the word Oenophile has also been translated to mean â€Å"mighty men† (Dictionary. Com). Ancient astronaut theorists agree. They suggest that the term refers not to the Nephritis’s size, but to their super- human abilities. Giorgio A. Outclass, publisher of Legendary Times magazine presents the question â€Å"Were they giants or is that the wrong word and the correct word should be extraterrestrial? Because then, in my opinion, it makes more sense cause so far I have not seen an original fossil of a giant bone. † (Outclass) The fact that these fallen angels, or â€Å"watchers† were obviously not from this planet is already proof that, by definition, they are aliens. By considering the possibility that the translation of â€Å"mighty men† Wagner 6 refers not to the physical size of these beings, but to their super-human strength or intelligence it can only further substantiate this claim. Enoch himself, it seems, had many interactions with these angels, and with God. Chapter 5 of Genesis is a written account of the lineage from Adam to Noah. It also states how old each person lived to be before they died, all except for Enoch. The account of Nosh’s life in chapter 5 of Genesis is very different from the accounts of his ancestors and predecessors. Genesis 5:21-5:24 states â€Å"When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah. And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Enoch lived 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. † (The Holy Bible New International Version) The first lien abduction case is widely reported to be that of Betty and Barney Hill in 1964. However, ancient astronaut theorists disagree. They point to this passage in Genesis as proof that Enoch was the very first alien abduction case. Chapter 5 of Genesis makes it quite clear that Enoch did not die like his other relatives. It is also clear that he did not Just go missing. He walked with God, and then God took him away. In 2nd Kings, chapter two there is again mention of a person being taken away without along. Verse 11 AT chanter two tells ten story AT Elijah Delving taken up to nave Ana ascribes that as Allies and Elijah were â€Å"walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to Heaven in a whirlwind. (The Holy Bible New International Version) Again, in biblical times they did not have a word for this â€Å"chariot of fire† that descended down from the skies and took Elijah away. Wagner 7 They could only describe what they saw in their terms, so they called it a chariot, meaning a So clearly, what is being described in this passage is a OF; it was an object that they could not identify flying through the skies , and it took Elijah p into Heaven. In the book of Psalms there is a very interesting description of God. Chapter 18 gives the account of how God saved David from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. Verse 18:6 states â€Å"In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. † Verses 18:7-18:10 continues by saying â€Å"The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because he was angry. Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it. He parted the heavens and came down; dark clouds were under his feet. He mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind. (The Holy Bible New International Version) These passages provide a description that sounds astoundingly similar to that of some kind of aircraft. â€Å"The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook†; the aircraft is landing, vibrating the earth as a helicopter or airplane landing would. â€Å"Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it†; a picture of a space shuttle taking off depicts the very same image scribed here, only in this case it is happening during landing. He parted the heavens and came down; dark clouds were under his feet†; again there is a reference to a cloud, and God was apparently on this â€Å"cloud†, or vehicle. â€Å"He mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind†; one definition of Wagner 8 cherubim is â€Å"a celestial being†, so the description here is quite clear. God mounted this celestial vehicle and flew up into the sky. The Holy Bible was written as a true account of what our biblical ancestors witnessed. These are not fairy tales or made- p stories. The ancient people who wrote the books of the Bible fully believed in everything they were writing, Just as modern man would Journal his own experiences as accurately as possible. However, our biblical ancestors did not have the modern terminology to explain the things that they saw as we would today. They explained what they saw as accurately as they could using terms that made sense to them. As author and ancient astronaut theorist Erich Von Daniel said â€Å"If you change a few words in the old text, a few key words, you change the sense of the old text. Daniel)† Our biblical ancestors did not know the word OF. Instead, they described a strange pillar of cloud which followed them, lit their way by night, and led a nation to safety. They described a star that led them too savior. They tell of a strange metallic â€Å"wheel intersecting a wheel† that descends from the heavens like a â€Å"whirlwind†. Just as they did not know the word OF, they did not know the word extraterrestrial alter. I nesses Delves Tanat ascended Trot ten sky on great clouds and in great chariots of fire were clearly much, much more advanced than them, so ancient man felt that they had to be Gods, angels, guardians of the sky, or watchers. How to cite The Holy Bible: the Ultimate Ufo Encounter?, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Understanding Contemporary Organization of EMP †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Understanding Contemporary Organization of EMP. Answer: Introduction EMP is a multinational gold company which has its headquarter in Australia and is one of the listed companies in the Stock exchange. The mines of the companies operate successfully in five countries. The company has substantial gold reserves that will provide 30 years of production. As per the financial forecasts, the company will generate good cash margins by providing high quality gold assets. The main emphasis of the company is long-term value creation, which will be done by reducing the costs, increasing the reserves and production with the help of efficient use of capita (Joyce Paquin, 2016). The company has seven mines that are managed separately as profit centers. EMP also operates through joint ventures and currently the company has two mines of joint ventures in Asia and South America. Discussion: Business Canvas Model Key partners Suppliers, who provide mining equipments and tools and vehicles like trucks used for mining and exploration distributors, local and national authorities Key activities Spanning, exploration, mining and marketing of the finished products Value Proposition Focus on each stage of production. Increasing gold reserves and cost effectiveness Customer segments Merchants, local and international smelters, customers of Australia, Asia and Europe Customer relationships Focusing on quality and ensuring the customers to provide the best quality Key Resources Tools used for mining, drilling, exploration, trucks, funds and skilled labor force Channels Cost structure Salaries, wages, cost of equipments and tools, cost for operations like exploration, mining and spanning Revenue Streams Selling the finished gold products to the five countries where the company operates. Key partners- Key partners of the company are the suppliers who provide vehicles and trucks for mining activities, suppliers, who provide equipments used for the mining. Gold concentrates are transferred to the refineries and smelters for further refining and smelting. The owners of these refineries and smelters are the partners of the company. The lawyers are the legal partners who would help in legal matters like licensing that are required for any business. Other partners include distributors who would be distributing the processed gold product to the end users. Key activities- The activities start with finding the right site that is rich in the gold ores. Another major activity is setting up the site for routine mining activities. Generally, the refining and smelting of the washed ores are done in separate refineries. Finally, the gold ores are processed to make finished gold that can be sold or further used for other purposes (Shafritz, Ott Jang, 2015). Key resources- The key resource of the company include, land that is rich in gold ores, mining equipments, vehicles like, trucks, fund to hire employees. Since the mining activity is both capital and labor intensive, adequate amount of funds and labor are required for carrying out the mining activity. Apart from the manpower required at mining site, a large number of skilled employees are required for carrying out smelting and refining activities. Therefore, skilled workforce is required at refineries as well. Value proposition- The company creates value by focusing on quality, which is gained by focusing in each and every step that is involved in the processing of the gold ores. EMP believes that building good relationship with the employees should be built on mutual trust. They have in total six thousand employees all around the world. The core value of the organization is to focus on health and safety of the employees at the mining sites (Kotler et al., 216). Creating a good will in the market is the prime objective of the company. Customer segments- The main customers of the company include smelters in Australia, Asia and Europe. They also sell their products to the merchants who are in contract with the company (Cummings Worley, 2014). Channels- The distributors of the company transfer the gold to the smelters (Cummings Worley, 2014). Customer relationships- The Company has established a good and healthy relationship with their customers, like the merchants who are in contract with the company (Joyce Paquin, 2016). Cost structure- Cost structure of the company comprises of equipment costs, trucks, drilling tools, tools used for exploration, monitors for monitoring. The salaries and wages of the employees and labors all constitute to the cost structure. Revenue streams- The company generates revenue from the selling the gold products to the merchants and smelters in Asia, Europe and Australia (Joyce Paquin, 2016). The organizational design of the company is divisional, as shown in the figure, each of the seven mines of the company operate as strategic business units, so it can be said that the company has seven strategic business units. Each of the divisions has separate marketing, human resource, operations and finance departments (Armstrong et al., 2015). Marketing management Each of the seven mines of the company are separate profit centers, therefore each of the business units have their own department for marketing management. The company implements marketing strategies based on the country it is operating. The focus of the company is value creation for which the company is continuously focusing on quality that it provides to its customers. For fulfilling the demand of its customers, the company is also focusing on exploration to find new gold reserves. The customers of the company are merchants with whom the company has signed contract. Majority of the production of the company is transferred sold to the smelters in Asia, Australia and Europe (Armstrong et al., 2015). To find new gold reserves that are a complicated task, therefore the company is finding new and innovative ways for explorations. The company for its production efficiency focuses on all the stages of production, spanning, exploration, mining, operation, processing and research and devel opment. Another most important strategy of the business is reduction in costs. Large open pits and underground mining technology is used for mining so that the cost can be controlled. Each of mines ship their transformed ore to gold concentrate to smelters for final refining. Cost reduction and increasing the gold reserves are some of the main strategies used by the company for gaining competitive advantage in the market. The company can apply skimming pricing strategy because the cost involved in the production of the product of the company is too much. In order to cover that cost the company can target the premium clients and apply skimming pricing strategy. The advertising of the gold products can be done in premium magazines. For promotional activities more emphasis should be given to direct marketing and personal selling. Finance management Each of the mines has their own finance department and they handle the financial transactions separately. The working capital of the company comes from the revenue it earns by selling the gold products to the customers and merchants. EMPs strategy is to keep the operational cost minimal so that the company can have a cost benefit. EMP plans to use the capital efficiently in each of its operations and activities (Arnold, 2013). The company operates in five countries and through the sales from all these countries, the company gets a major portion of its revenue. Relation between marketing and finance department Marketing and finance department are very much independent, the finance department maintains the revenue generated by the marketing department. Finance department handles all the expenditure that are required for carrying out the various activities whereas marketing department carries out all the activities that are either directly related to revenue generation like, sales or support sales, like promotional activities. All the four departments are crucial for any business organization but it can be said that marketing and financial departments are backbone of any organization (Brigham Ehrhardt, 2013). The main source of revenue in the company is the sales of the gold products to the customers across the world. The revenue generated is further used for various operations and providing wages and salaries to the employees. The finance department keeps an account of all the income and expenditures of the company. It allocates funds for carrying out various activities. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that the strategy adopted by the company to capture maximum market share is very effective, because the company is not concentrated to one country rather it is operational in five countries where the company has separate functional departments. The divisional organizational design of the company helps the company to operate easily in each of the seven mines as separate profit centers. The gold reserves of EMP will provide 30 years of production to the company. The focus of the company is long-term value creation, and so EMP focuses on efficiency in each of the phases of its production. The main strategy of the business is reduction in costs and increasing the gold reserves. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Arnold, G. (2013).Corporate financial management. Pearson Higher Ed. Brigham, E. F., Ehrhardt, M. C. (2013).Financial management: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G. (2014).Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Joyce, A., Paquin, R. L. (2016). The triple layered business model canvas: A tool to design more sustainable business models.Journal of Cleaner Production,135, 1474-1486. Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Brady, M., Goodman, M., Hansen, T. (2016).Marketing management. Pearson Education Ltd.. Shafritz, J. M., Ott, J. S., Jang, Y. S. (2015).Classics of organization theory. Cengage Learning.